Thursday, May 6, 2010

oUR stAFFs & FiRm'S EnviRoNmENt [k. TerenNgGanu bRAnCh]

under 1 rooF Relations had been BuilT. WiTh good BosSes and effiCiEnT stAFfss...
here thErE aRe!!
bosS [ inCik Fazru AnuAr]

boSs [eNcik SofiaN]

firM's environmenT [ @ k. TereNgganU]

eFficieNt stAfF [ ZuE]

muLti TaSkinG sTaff [ RoZilAn]

~hArDworkiNg STaff [ NoOr]
do litigation

~cHeeRfuL sTafF ~ [aRe]
do ConviEncing

RuNnEr [SyeD]

nEW sTaFf [ madihaH]

aNd herE prAcTicaL studentS



a piCtUre spEaK thouSanD wordS...=)

othErs MembErS don'T bE jealous wiTh tHis poST.. ekekeke =)

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